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6 Tips for Parents When Hiring Tutors for Their Children

By following tips we have provided, you can ensure that you hire the right tutor for your child and support them in their academic journey.

Children go through different learning challenges as they grow up. These challenges may arise from various factors, including their learning style, the complexity of the subject, and even the teacher’s competence. As a result, some children may require additional support to help them achieve their academic goals. One approach that many parents take is hiring a tutor for their children.

Hiring a tutor can be an effective way of providing children with the additional academic support they need. Tutors are experienced and can help children struggling with specific topics or needing extra help understanding concepts. Conversely, they can provide personalized attention to children and tailor their teaching style to match their learning style. However, parents need to be cautious when hiring tutors, especially since the quality of tutoring services can vary greatly.

To help parents when hiring a tutor for their child, here are some tips:

#1 – Communicate Everything to Your Tutor

No matter how experienced or qualified a tutor may be, they cannot read minds. Therefore, parents must communicate everything to their child’s tutor. This includes the topics that the child needs help with, the specific learning goals that the parents have in mind, and any concerns they may have about their child’s academic progress.

To this end, parents must clearly understand their child’s strengths and weaknesses. This will help them communicate effectively with the tutor and provide the necessary information to develop an effective tutoring plan. Additionally, parents should share any relevant school reports or assessments their child has received so that the tutor can better understand their academic level.

#2 – Create a Favourable Learning Environment

Creating a favourable learning environment is crucial for effective tutoring. This means finding a quiet and comfortable space for the tutoring sessions, free of distractions such as TV, phones or other electronic devices. The space should also be well-lit and well-ventilated, with a desk or table and comfortable chairs. If you want to take it further, you can decorate the space with motivational posters or inspirational quotes to create a positive and encouraging atmosphere.

#3 – Be There to Motivate Your Child

Tutoring is to teach the subject matter and motivate and encourage the student to keep learning. After all, just because your child has a tutor doesn’t mean they will do all the work because, as a parent, offering support and motivation is important when your child needs it. This means praising them for their progress, acknowledging their hard work, and offering encouragement when they feel discouraged. You can also help them set achievable goals and celebrate their successes when they reach them.

#4 – Observe Your Child’s Attitude Toward Learning

As a parent, you must observe your child’s attitude toward learning during tutoring sessions. Are they engaged and motivated? Are they asking questions and participating actively in the session? Or are they disinterested or distracted? If you notice any negative behaviours or attitudes, it’s important to address them and find ways to help your child overcome them. This may involve talking to the tutor or finding new strategies to make learning more enjoyable and engaging for your child. Remember, a positive attitude towards learning is essential for academic success.

#5 – Follow Up with the Tutor

Whenever a tutoring session ends, parents must follow up with the tutor to better understand what was covered during the session and how the child responded to the tutor’s instruction. This can help parents identify areas where their child may need additional support or where the tutor may need to adjust their approach. Additionally, following up with the tutor can help parents stay informed about their child’s progress and identify any areas where they may need to provide additional support at home.

#6 – Trust Your Tutor

Above all else, parents must know to trust their tutor. Tutors are trained professionals with the skills and expertise to help children succeed academically. While it can be difficult to relinquish control and trust someone else with your child’s education, you must remember that tutors are there to support and guide your child, not replace you as a parent. You can work together to help your child achieve their academic goals by trusting your tutor and maintaining open communication.


Hiring a tutor goes a long way for your children, especially if they have learning difficulties. However, the process can be overwhelming and confusing for parents unfamiliar with it. By following the six tips we have provided, you can ensure that you hire the right tutor for your child and support them in their academic journey.

Prep Academy Tutors can help if you are looking for private home tutors! Our professional tutors will consider your child’s learning style to ensure they get and maintain good grades. Schedule a call today to get started!
