Tips to Help a Child Through a Difficult School Exam Period

As a parent, you want to support your child through every milestone in their lives. One such milestone is the exam period, which can be a stressful and overwhelming time for many students. As a result, it is essential to take steps to help your child navigate this period successfully. In this article, we will provide you with some useful tips and strategies to help your child cope with the stress and anxiety that comes with exams. By offering your support and guidance, you can help your child perform their best and achieve their academic goals.

1. Offer Support

The first and most important step in helping your child through exams is to offer them your support. Let them know that you are there for them and that you believe in them. Encourage them to talk to you about their worries and concerns, and listen to their fears with empathy. Offer words of encouragement and positivity, and remind them of their strengths and abilities.

2. Encourage Healthy Habits

During exam periods, it is essential to encourage your child to maintain healthy habits. Ensure they are getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and staying hydrated. Exercise is also an excellent way to relieve stress, so encourage them to take regular breaks and engage in physical activities.

3. Help Them Plan Their Time

Time management is crucial during exam periods, and it is essential to help your child plan their time effectively. Encourage them to create a study schedule and break down their revision into manageable chunks. Set realistic goals, and help them prioritize their tasks. This will help them feel more in control of their workload and reduce stress levels.

4. Provide a Calm Environment

Creating a calm and conducive environment for studying is essential during exam periods. Ensure your child has a quiet and comfortable space to study, free from distractions. Keep the atmosphere calm and positive and avoid creating unnecessary stress or tension.

5. Celebrate Their Efforts

It is essential to celebrate your child’s efforts and achievements, no matter how small they may be. Offer praise and acknowledgement for their hard work, and remind them that their efforts are valued and appreciated. This will help boost their self-confidence and motivation, leading to better academic performance.

6. Hire a Tutor

If your child is struggling with certain subjects or topics, consider hiring a tutor to provide extra support and guidance. A tutor can help your child understand difficult concepts, provide personalized feedback, and offer additional resources and materials. This can help your child feel more confident and prepared for their exams and can lead to improved academic performance overall.

7. Fit in Break Activities

It’s important to balance academic work with breaks and physical activity. Encourage your child to take breaks and engage in activities that they enjoy, such as playing sports, reading, or spending time with friends. This can help reduce stress and prevent burnout, leading to improved academic performance. Additionally, physical activity can improve cognitive function, which can enhance learning and memory retention.

8. Timetable

Help your child create a timetable or schedule for studying and completing assignments. This can help them stay organized, manage their time effectively, and prioritize tasks. Encourage them to stick to the schedule as much as possible, but also allow for flexibility and adjustments as needed. This can help reduce procrastination and ensure that they have enough time to complete their work without feeling overwhelmed.


Helping your child through the difficult exam period can significantly impact their academic success and overall well-being. As a parent, it is important to provide a supportive and encouraging environment, establish a solid study routine, offer resources and assistance, and promote healthy habits. By doing so, you can help your child manage stress, build confidence, and improve their performance. 

Remember that every child has unique strengths and challenges, and it is crucial to focus on progress rather than perfection. With your guidance and support, your child can navigate the exam period with resilience and come out on top.

If a home tutor is needed for your child, try out the services of Prep Academy Tutors. We are happy to offer personalized in-home and online tutoring services. Find your local tutor today!

10 Telltale Signs Your Child Is Struggling with Math

Mathematics is a core subject in every child’s education, and it is crucial to their academic success and future prospects. However, many students struggle with math and may need extra support to keep up with their peers. As a parent, it is essential to recognize the telltale signs that your child is struggling with math so that you can find the help they need to improve their skills and regain their confidence. 

In this article, we will discuss ten indicators that your child may be facing difficulties with math and how to find the best tutoring service to help them excel.

1. Consistently Low Grades

If your child consistently brings home low grades in math, it may be a sign that they are struggling to grasp the concepts taught in class. While occasional low scores can be attributed to a bad day or lack of preparation, consistently poor performance may indicate a deeper issue that requires attention.

2. Difficulty with Basic Operations

Struggling with basic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, is a clear sign that your child may need extra support in math. If they find it challenging to complete simple calculations without assistance, it may be time to find a local tutor to help them build a strong foundation in math.

3. Avoidance of Math-Related Tasks

Does your child avoid math-related tasks, such as completing their math homework, studying for quizzes or tests, or participating in class discussions? This avoidance may be a sign that they are feeling overwhelmed or discouraged by their difficulties in math.

4. Lack of Confidence

A lack of confidence in their math abilities can contribute to a child’s struggles with the subject. If your child frequently expresses self-doubt or fear of failure when it comes to math, it may be time to seek the help of an in-home tutor to boost their confidence and improve their skills.

5. Slow Progress

If your child seems to be making slow progress in math compared to their peers, they may be struggling to keep up with the pace of the curriculum. Falling behind can lead to a vicious cycle where the child becomes more and more discouraged and disengaged from the subject.

6. Difficulty with Word Problems

Word problems require a strong understanding of math concepts and the ability to apply those concepts to real-life situations. If your child consistently struggles with solving word problems, it may be a sign that they need additional support in understanding and applying mathematical concepts.

7. Frustration and Anxiety

Feelings of frustration and anxiety can arise when a child is struggling with math. If your child frequently becomes upset or anxious when faced with math-related tasks, it may be time to find a math private tutor to help them overcome these emotional barriers.

8. Reliance on Counting Fingers or Other Objects

While it is normal for young children to rely on counting fingers or other objects to perform basic calculations, older students should be able to complete these tasks mentally. If your child continues to rely on these methods as they progress through school, it may be an indication that they are struggling with their math skills.

9. Difficulty Understanding Mathematical Language

Mathematics has its own unique language, and understanding this language is essential for success in the subject. If your child has trouble understanding or using math terminology, it may be a sign that they need additional support in this area.

10. Poor Test Performance

Even if your child seems to understand math concepts during class or while completing homework, consistently poor test performance may indicate that they are struggling to apply these concepts under pressure. A math tutor can help your child develop better test-taking strategies and improve their overall performance.

Finding the Right Kind of Help

If you recognize any of these telltale signs in your child, it may be time to find a math tutor who can provide the support they need to succeed. There are many options available for finding a tutor, including online tutoring services, tutoring centres, and in-home tutors.

  • Online tutoring services allow students to connect with tutors online from the comfort of their own homes and receive support outside of regular school hours.
  • Tutoring centres offer a structured learning environment and often provide a range of services, including one-on-one tutoring, small group tutoring, and homework help.
  • In-home tutors provide personalized support in the comfort of the student’s own home, allowing a more individualized approach to learning.


Recognizing the signs that your child is struggling with math is the first step in helping them succeed academically. By finding the right tutor, you can provide your child with the support they need to improve their math skills, boost their confidence, and achieve their academic goals. With the right support, your child can overcome their difficulties with math and achieve success in their academic and future endeavors.

Are you searching for math tutoring for your child? Look no further than Prep Academy Tutors! Our personalized in-home and online tutoring services are designed to meet the individual needs of your child. With our team of experienced and certified tutors, your child will receive individualized attention and support tailored to their unique needs.

Let us help your child reach their full potential in math! Contact us today and start your child’s journey to math success today!


Knowing the Causes of Test Anxiety and How to Handle It

For many students in North America, the thought of taking a test or an exam can provoke feelings of dread, nervousness, and anxiety. This phenomenon, known as test anxiety, is not only common but can also have a significant impact on academic performance.

Today, we will delve into what test or exam anxiety is, explore its causes, and provide practical tips to help you manage and overcome it in order to excel in your academic journey:

Understanding Test Anxiety

Test anxiety is a psychological condition characterized by excessive nervousness, fear, or worry about one’s performance on an upcoming test or exam. This anxiety can manifest in various ways, including physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms.

Physical symptoms of test or exam anxiety may include heart palpitations, rapid breathing, dry mouth, nausea, headache, and muscle tension. Emotional symptoms can range from irritability and mood swings to feelings of helplessness or hopelessness. Cognitive symptoms often involve difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts, and negative self-talk.

Causes of Test Anxiety

Test anxiety can stem from various factors, including:

  • Fear of Failure: High expectations and pressure to succeed can lead to a fear of failure, and this fear can trigger anxiety.
  • Lack of Preparation: Insufficient studying or poor study habits can contribute to feelings of anxiety, as students may worry about their ability to perform well on the test.
  • Previous negative experiences: Past test failures or poor performances can create a mindset of self-doubt and anxiety for future tests.
  • Low Self-esteem: Students with low self-esteem may experience anxiety due to a lack of confidence in their academic abilities.
  • Environmental Factors: Stressful home or school environments can exacerbate feelings of anxiety and make it more challenging to focus on test preparation.

Managing Test Anxiety

While test anxiety can be overwhelming, there are several strategies that can help you manage and overcome it:

  • Develop Effective Study Habits

Establish a study schedule, break down large tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and use active learning techniques such as creating flashcards or summarizing information in your own words. This will help you feel more prepared and confident going into the test.

  • Practice Relaxation Techniques

Deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, and visualization can help alleviate anxiety and promote a sense of calm.

  • Adopt a Positive Mindset

Challenge negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of past successes and focus on your strengths.

  • Seek Social Support

Talk to friends, family, or peers about your anxiety. They may be able to provide encouragement, advice, or simply a listening ear.

  • Create a Conducive Test-Taking Environment

On the day of the test, arrive early, choose a comfortable and quiet spot, and bring any necessary materials. This will help minimize distractions and create a sense of control over your test-taking experience.

  • Utilize Test-Taking Strategies

Develop a plan for approaching the test, such as reading through the entire test before beginning, answering easy questions first, and allocating time wisely. This will help you stay focused and organized throughout the test.

  • Seek Professional Help

Finally, if your test anxiety is severe and impacting your academic performance or overall well-being, consider seeking help from a mental health professional or school counsellor.


Test anxiety is a common challenge faced by many students in North America. Understanding its causes and implementing strategies to manage it can significantly improve your academic performance and overall well-being. By taking control of your test anxiety, you can confidently tackle exams and achieve academic success!

Prep Academy Tutors provides customized tutoring services, both in-person and online, to help students tackle their tests more worry-free! If you are looking for the best tutoring service, locate a tutor in your area with us today!



How Parents Can Help Children Ace Exams

As parents or guardians, we all want our children to succeed in their studies. That’s why parents help their children ace exams and achieve their academic goals. However, exam time can be stressful and challenging for students, and they may need our support and guidance to overcome the pressure and anxiety that comes with it.

In this post from Prep Academy Tutors, we will explore some effective ways to help your kids through their exams:

Create a Supportive Environment

The first step to helping your kids through their exams is creating a supportive home environment. This includes providing them with a quiet and comfortable space to study, ensuring they have all the necessary study materials, and minimizing distractions such as TV, video games, and social media. It is also essential to encourage healthy habits such as sleeping well, eating nutritious meals, and taking regular breaks to avoid burnout.

Encourage Them to Set Goals and Make a Study Plan

Encouraging your child to set goals and make a study plan can help them stay focused and motivated during their exams. Help them discover their strengths and weaknesses and prioritize their study goals accordingly. Encourage them to break down their study sessions into manageable chunks and schedule regular breaks to avoid exhaustion. This will ensure they have a clear roadmap to follow and a sense of accomplishment as they achieve their goals.

Find a Local Tutor or Consider Private Tutoring

If your child is having difficulties with a particular subject or concept, finding a local tutor or considering private tutoring may be helpful. Tutors can provide one-on-one support and personalized attention to help your child improve their understanding and confidence in a subject. This is a great way for parents to help children ace exams because tutors assist with exam preparation. They do so by providing practice tests and strategies for managing exam anxiety.

Encourage Your Child to Ask for Help

It is essential to encourage your child to ask for help when they need it. This can include seeking clarification from their teachers, discussing complex concepts with classmates, or seeking support from a tutor or private tutor. Encourage them to use resources such as online study guides, practice tests, and study groups to improve their understanding and exam performance.

Teach Your Child Stress Management Techniques

Exam time can be a stressful and anxiety-provoking period for students. It is essential to teach your child stress management techniques to help them cope with the pressure and anxiety of exams. These techniques can include deep breathing exercises, visualization, and mindfulness practices. Encourage them to take regular breaks and engage in various activities that help them relax and unwind.

Celebrate Your Child’s Achievements

Finally, it is essential to celebrate your child’s achievements, no matter how big or small. This can include acknowledging their efforts, praising their progress, and encouraging them to strive towards their goals. Celebrating their achievements can help boost their motivation and confidence, reinforcing the importance of hard work and perseverance. If you want to help children ace exams, giving them positive reinforcement via appreciation of their success is an effective method.


Helping your children through their exams requires a supportive and encouraging environment, effective study habits, access to resources, and stress management techniques. If your child is struggling with a specific subject or concept, finding a local tutor or considering private tutoring can provide them with the personalized attention and support they need to improve their understanding and performance.

As parents, it is essential to be patient, understanding, and supportive during this challenging period and celebrate their achievements along the way.

Receiving a report card shouldn’t be a stressful experience. Prep Academy Tutors provides customized tutoring services in-person and online. Whether your child needs help preparing for an upcoming important exam or requires assistance for their school subjects, Prep Academy Tutors can help. Find a local tutor from Prep Academy Tutors in your area for your child!


Remedial Class:What Is It and Why Do Some Kids Need It

It’s important to understand that not all children learn at the same pace, and some may struggle to keep up with their peers. This is where remedial classes come in. Remedial classes are designed to provide extra support and help to students who need extra help in specific subjects. Now, you may want to learn more about this. This is why we’ve put together a brief discussion on these classes. If you want to learn more about this, read on as we explore what remedial classes are, why some kids need them, and how they can be a huge help to kids that have fallen behind.

What Are Remedial Classes?

Remedial classes are classes that are designed to help students who are struggling in a particular subject or skill. These classes are smaller than regular classes, allowing teachers to provide more individualized attention to each student. Remedial classes can be offered in a variety of subjects, including reading, writing, math, and science. They may be taught during the regular school day or after school hours.

Why Do Some Kids Need Remedial Classes?

There are several reasons why some kids may need remedial classes. One reason could be a lack of foundational knowledge in a particular subject. For example, a student who struggles with multiplication may not have a solid understanding of basic addition and subtraction. Another reason could be a learning disability or a difficulty with processing information. These children may need more support to help them understand and apply information effectively.

In some cases, students may also struggle with a particular subject due to factors outside the classroom. For example, a child who is dealing with personal issues such as family problems or emotional stress may find it challenging to focus on their studies. In such cases, remedial classes provide a supportive and structured environment that can help them catch up with their peers.

What Are the Benefits of Remedial Classes

Remedial classes offer several benefits to students who require additional support. First and foremost, remedial classes provide a more personalized learning experience. With smaller class sizes, teachers can spend more time working with individual students to help them understand the material. This can be especially helpful for students who may be too shy or embarrassed to ask questions in a larger classroom setting.

Remedial classes also provide students with additional practice and reinforcement of skills. For example, a student who struggles with reading comprehension may benefit from additional reading assignments and practice exercises. These extra assignments can help them build up their skills and confidence in the subject.

In addition to providing academic support, remedial classes also provide emotional support to students. Students who struggle in school may feel frustrated, embarrassed, or overwhelmed. Remedial classes can provide a supportive environment where students can receive encouragement and guidance from teachers and peers. This can help boost their self-esteem and motivation to succeed.

Finally, remedial classes can help students catch up with their peers and reduce the risk of falling further behind. For students who are struggling, falling behind can be a common occurrence. Remedial classes can help prevent this by providing students with the support they need to stay on track with their studies.


Whether due to a lack of foundational knowledge, a learning disability, or external factors, remedial classes can provide students with the personalized attention and support they need to catch up with their peers. By providing academic, emotional, and social support, remedial classes can help students gain the confidence and skills they need to succeed in school and beyond.

If your child is falling behind, then it may be best to work with the best tutoring service available. We here at Prep Academy Tutors are proud to offer personalized in-home and online tutoring services. Find a local tutor today!

Tips for Students: How to Improve Memorization Skills

One of the essential skills to develop as a student is memorizing and retaining information. Strong memorization skills can greatly impact your academic success, whether for a test, a presentation, or to better understand your course material. 

In this article, we will discuss various tips and tricks to help students improve their memorization skills, making it easier to excel in their studies.

1. Use Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonic devices are aids that help you remember information by associating it with something more familiar or easier to recall. A popular mnemonic device is an acronym, where you create a new word using the first letters of a list of items.

For instance, the acronym “ROYGBIV” can help you remember the colours of the rainbow (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet). Many other mnemonic devices, like rhymes, acronyms, and visualization techniques, can help you memorize information more effectively. Experiment with different methods to find what works best for you.

2. Leverage the Power of Visualization

Transforming information into a visual image can make it easier to remember. For instance, if you’re trying to remember a list of grocery items, you can create a mental image of a shopping cart filled with those items.

The more vivid and detailed the image, the easier to recall the information later. Visualization works best when you involve multiple senses—imagine the textures, smells, and sounds associated with the information you’re trying to memorize.

3. Employ Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition is the practice of reviewing information at gradually increasing intervals. This method works well because it takes advantage of how our brains naturally learn and retain information. 

Spacing out study sessions gives your brain time to consolidate the information into long-term memory. Various spaced repetition techniques and apps, such as the Leitner System and Anki, can help you manage your study schedule effectively.

4. Break Information Into Smaller Chunks

Our brains are better at processing and remembering smaller pieces of information than large chunks. This is called chunking. Breaking down complex concepts or long lists into smaller, more manageable parts can make remembering easier. 

For example, when memorizing a phone number, it’s often easier to remember the digits in smaller groups (like 123-456-7890) than a single string of numbers (1234567890).

5. Teach Someone Else

Teaching or explaining information to someone else can help reinforce your understanding and improve your memorization. When you teach, you have to organize and articulate the information in a way that makes sense to others, which helps solidify the concepts in your own mind. 

Additionally, discussing the material with someone else can lead to new insights and a deeper understanding of the subject.

6. Use Multiple Senses

Engaging multiple senses while studying can improve memory retention. For example, you can read your notes aloud, listen to recorded lectures, or use physical objects to demonstrate concepts. The more ways you can engage with the material, the more likely it is to stick in your memory.

7. Test Yourself Regularly

Self-testing is an effective way to reinforce your memory and check your understanding of the material. Use flashcards, practice quizzes, or try to recall the information from memory. By testing yourself regularly, you can identify areas where you might need more time studying and gain confidence in your knowledge.

8. Establish a Consistent Study Routine

A consistent study routine can significantly improve your memorization skills. Set aside specific times each day for studying and stick to that schedule as much as possible. This will help train your brain to be more focused and productive during those designated study periods.


Improving your memorization skills takes time and practice, but with dedication and the right techniques, you can see significant improvements in your ability to retain and recall information. 

By incorporating these tips and tricks into your study routine, you’ll be well on your way to achieving academic success and making the most of your educational experience. Remember, everyone’s learning style is different, so don’t be afraid to experiment and find the best methods for you.

Prep Academy Tutors provide in-home and online tutoring for all grades and subjects. With the help of our certified teachers, we can work together to unlock new skills, improve grades, and learn! We believe report cards shouldn’t be scary, so we’re here to help. Contact us today to get started if you’re looking for the best tutoring service. Enroll now!

5 Signs of a Slow Learning Child and What Parents Can Do

Having a child who is slower to learn than their peers can be difficult for both parents and the child and difficult to identify. Parents may feel overwhelmed or confused when it comes to understanding their child’s learning needs, so it is essential to discern the signs of slow learning in children. This article will provide five signs of a slow-learning child and what parents can do to help their child.

Signs of Slow Learning

It’s crucial to note that all children learn at different paces and in different ways. Slow learning is only relative to an established control group and does not mean a child will not learn eventually. Therefore, fostering an environment that supports multiple learning styles and encourages children to reach their full potential is crucial. However, before you can find ways to support your child’s needs, it’s crucial first to recognize the signs of slow learning. Here are five signs of slow learning in a child.

1. Difficulty Understanding New Concepts and Ideas

Children who are slow to learn often struggle to keep up with their peers when learning new concepts and ideas. They may not be able to understand the material as quickly as their peers and may need extra time to process the information. They may also have difficulty understanding abstract concepts and ideas.

2. Problems Retaining Information

Children who are slow to learn may have difficulty retaining information. They may need extra time to remember new material and be reminded of previously learned material. They may also have difficulty transferring information from one situation to another.

3. Struggles with Reading and Writing

Slow learning children may struggle with reading and writing tasks. They may have difficulty understanding the meaning of words or making connections between words and ideas. They may also have difficulty with spelling, grammar, and writing mechanics.

4. Challenges with Organisation and Time Management

Children who are slow to learn may have difficulty with organization and time management. They may have difficulty keeping track of their assignments and need help staying on task. They may also have difficulty managing their time and need extra time to complete tasks.

What Parents Can Do

Having a slow-learning child can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. The crucial thing to do is to be supportive and understand that children learn best when given the space to learn at their own pace. Here are five tips that parents can use to support a slow-learning child.

1. Talk to the Child’s Teacher

Parents must talk to their child’s teachers to understand their learning needs. The teacher can provide valuable insight into the child’s learning style and any struggles they may have in the classroom. This can help parents better understand their child’s needs and how to support them best.

2. Encourage the Child to Ask Questions

Encouraging children to ask questions can be beneficial for slow learners. It can help them to understand the material better and to make connections between concepts and ideas. Encouraging children to ask questions can also help them become more engaged in learning.

3. Provide Extra Time to Complete Tasks

Providing slow learners extra time to complete tasks can help them be more successful. This may include allowing them extra time to finish tests or assignments or providing additional support to help them stay on task. 

4. Hire a Private Tutor

Hiring a private tutor can be a great way to help a slow-learning child. A private tutor can work one-on-one with a child, tailoring the instruction to their needs. A tutor can provide customized instruction and personalized feedback. Tutors can also provide support by helping the child develop strategies to better understand and retain the material.


Having a child who is slower to learn than their peers can be a challenging experience for parents. However, by talking to the child’s teacher, encouraging the child to ask questions, providing extra time to complete tasks, and hiring a private tutor, parents can play an essential role in helping their slow-learning child succeed.

Prep Academy Tutors is your go-to resource for online tutoring in North America! Our experienced and knowledgeable tutors are here to help your slow-learning child reach their full potential. From developing strategies for better understanding and retaining material to providing full-time support and guidance, our tutors are here to help. Contact us today to get started. 

Why Remedial Support Is an Essential Service for Your Child

Every child has a unique style and learning pace. Some children may learn faster than others, while some may need more time and repetition to grasp the concept. They may also understand an idea through different learning styles, like visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. However, some may struggle with some aspects of their academics, which can hinder their performance. For this reason, you should find remedial tutoring for your child. 

While remedial teaching is available for all students who need short-term support in their learning journey, you must immediately start it to prevent your child from falling behind permanently. 

If you want your child to grow well-rounded and stay ahead of their academics, this article will enumerate six important reasons to seek remedial support.

1. Get Personalized Support

Sometimes, your child may struggle academically not because of the classroom environment but because their educators’ teaching style may not match their learning pace and styles. For this reason, you should invest in remedial support. 

This tutoring service provides individualized assistance to your child to address class concepts, reinforce learning, offer effective work methods and learning strategies, provide additional challenges if necessary, and prevent them from falling behind in class. Getting help from a professional tutor has various benefits, like improved concentration, increased comfort in asking questions, and personalized explanations of complex concepts.

2. Bridge the Gap Where Your Child Has Fallen Behind

Remedial support aims to help students catch up on any subjects they may struggle with in school. A reputable tutoring service will carefully find a tutor for your child based on their characteristics and the topic they struggle to grasp. 

The tutor and student will then collaborate to establish specific and attainable goals for the short and long term. That way, everyone involved, including the learner, parents, and tutor, can monitor progress.

3. Avoid Learning Attrition

Taking time off school during the summer, winter, or spring is essential to help students recharge and prepare for the following academic challenges. The student may also need an extended break if they struggle financially or have a health condition. However, excessive time off can be detrimental because they’ll likely lose the necessary knowledge and skills to move to the next grade. 

Fortunately, learners can regain skills they may have lost during their extended break by investing in remedial teaching. This tutoring service involves tutors using various methods like flashcards, games, and fun activities to reinforce phonics and basic math.

4. Boost Self-Esteem, Confidence, and Motivation

When your child feels confident in their abilities, they’re more likely to participate in class and have a greater interest in school. You can help them perform better academically by seeking remedial support. 

Once a tutor and a student have established trust, it creates a positive learning environment because the educator motivates the student and inspires them to do better. Tutoring services recommend finding personal educators with specialized training because they can give each student more attention and support, which is easier to do when they have fewer learners than in a regular classroom. 

5. Improve Communication Skills

Besides impeding a learner’s communication skills in the classroom, students with speech disorders usually fall behind in their academics. These disabilities may also negatively affect their self-esteem, but remedial reading instruction can help them. 

However, if the student shows limited progress, it may indicate they have a learning disability and need more specialized education.

6. Ideal for Dyslexic Students

Remedial teaching can help dyslexic students overcome reading difficulties by rewiring brain connections, resulting in increased neural connections and improved reading proficiency in the long term.

Seeking the Right Academic Help

Every child deserves to learn well at school, regardless of their learning pace, style, and abilities. You can help them succeed academically by enrolling them in tutoring services like remedial support. 

If your child needs professional tutoring, call Prep Academy Tutors! We’re committed to improving your child’s academic performance by offering personalized in-home and online remedial teaching. Find a tutor now, and let’s make getting their report card a stress-free event!

Learning Disabilities: How to Know the Best for Your Child

As a parent, it is important to be aware of learning disabilities and differences that your child might face. Learning disabilities and differences can majorly impact a child’s education, so it is important to understand what they are and how to support your child best. 

This article will provide an overview of learning disabilities and differences and discuss what parents need to know to help their children succeed. We will discuss the different types of learning disabilities and differences, their causes, signs, and symptoms, and the strategies that can be used to support a child with learning disabilities and differences. 

By understanding these topics, parents can better provide the necessary support for their child’s educational success. Learn more about learning differences and where to find online tutors in North America. 

What is a Learning Disability (LD)?

A wide range of cognitive and learning problems that can affect how the brain gathers, arranges, retains, and transfers information are called “learning disabilities.” Some children have learning disabilities (LDs), including math or reading comprehension challenges. 

Hearing loss and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are two learning difficulties that may affect others. Many children who struggle in school may also have different health issues or academic challenges.

What Causes Learning Difficulties?

There are several reasons why a child can have trouble learning. Even when the causes aren’t always known, children sometimes have a parent or other family member who experiences similar or comparable learning and thinking difficulties. 

The first step in addressing a child’s learning issues, regardless of the underlying cause, is acknowledging that your child is struggling and letting teachers and doctors know about your worries. You can determine the underlying causes of the problems by working together and ensuring your child gets the support they require.

Signs of learning Differences and Difficulties in Children

Although learning and cognitive issues aren’t always obvious, several warning signs indicate your child may require help. Keep in mind that children learn and develop at different rates. If your child displays the following symptoms, talk to their teacher and inform the doctor.

Children in preschool may be impacted by the following:

  • Delays in learning a language. By the time they are two and a half years old, your preschooler should be able to talk in short phrases or sentences.
  • Problems with the conversation. By the time they are three, your child should be speaking well enough for most of what they say to be understood by adults.
  • Having problems understanding shapes, colors, numbers, and letters.  
  • Having trouble developing rhymes.
  • Having difficulties coordinating. Your youngster should be able to hop, use scissors, and button clothes by age five. They should be able to arrange themselves into a circle, square, or triangle.
  • The inability to concentrate well. When your youngster is between 3 and 5, sit still and listen to a brief story. As they grow older, your child should be able to concentrate for more extended periods.

Younger students and teenagers may have difficulties:

  • Follow directions.
  • Retain order at home and in the classroom.
  • Understand spoken directions.
  • Gain knowledge and understanding of facts.
  • Read, spell, or sound out words.
  • Write clearly (may have poor handwriting).
  • Compute answers to math or word problems.
  • Take care to fulfill your obligations.

Who Can Help?

Inform the teachers and doctor if your child is having trouble learning. Pediatricians can diagnose developmental delays and other conditions that might impair a child’s capacity for learning. 

Also, they can recommend authorities in child psychology, developmental and behavioral pediatric medicine, and pediatric neurodevelopmental issues. Teachers employ tests for screening or evaluation to pinpoint problems and determine if school-based or early intervention programs could be beneficial. 

Psychologists and learning specialists are frequently found on school evaluation teams. Lastly, a full-time private tutor can provide one-on-one, comprehensive tutoring for your child. 


Learning disabilities and differences are important topics for parents to understand. Parents need to learn about the different types of learning disabilities, the signs of learning disabilities, and the different interventions available for a child with a learning disability. 

Furthermore, parents should create an open dialogue with their children and be mindful of the potential signs and symptoms of a learning disability. Parents can ensure their child receives the best education and support available by educating themselves on the subject and being proactive.

Prep Academy Tutors provide services for private in-person and online tutoring. Find a full-time private tutor close to you!

Reasons Why Learning French Is Essential for Students

Learning a second language has become an essential skill for students in today’s globalized world. French is among the most popular languages spoken worldwide, and it is an official language in twenty-nine countries. 

It is also the second most taught language in the world, after English. There are several reasons why learning French is essential for students, and this article will discuss them in detail.

Opens Up Job Opportunities

The ability to speak French can open up a world of job opportunities for students. The economy of France ranks sixth in the world, and French companies have a significant presence in many countries. 

The International Olympic Committee, the European Union, and other international organizations all utilize French as a working language. Therefore, students who learn French increase their chances of getting a job in these organizations and French companies. 

One of Canada’s official languages is French, so students who learn French can work in Canada’s bilingual provinces.

Enhances Travel Experiences

France is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, and several famous attractions, like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, and the Palace of Versailles, are found there. Learning the language can enhance a student’s travel experience in France and other French-speaking countries. 

It allows the student to communicate with locals, understand the culture and traditions, and explore the country more authentically. It can also make travelling more convenient, as signs, menus, and other information are often written in French.

Improves Cognitive Skills

Learning a second language has been shown to increase cognitive abilities like problem-solving, decision-making, and multitasking. Research has also revealed that multilingual individuals have superior cognitive control, which allows them to transition between tasks more efficiently. 

Learning a language improves memory and concentration, as it requires the brain to store and retrieve information. Therefore, students who learn French can improve their cognitive skills, which can benefit them in their academic and professional lives.

Boosts Academic Performance

Learning a second language has also been found to improve academic performance. Studies have shown that students who learn a second language perform better in subjects such as math, science, and reading. 

This is because mastering a second language enhances cognitive abilities like memory, focus, and problem-solving, all of which are necessary for academic success. 

It also enhances cultural awareness and empathy, which can improve social skills and relationships.

Enhances Cultural Awareness

French is not just a language; it is also a culture. Learning French allows students to understand the culture, traditions, and history of French-speaking countries. 

It exposes students to different ways of living, thinking, and communicating, which can broaden their perspectives and enhance cultural awareness. 

Learning French can also promote intercultural dialogue and understanding, which is essential in today’s diverse and interconnected world.

Increases Self-Confidence

Learning a second language can also increase self-confidence. It requires students to step out of their comfort zones and communicate in a new language. 

This can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding. As students learn and improve their French skills, they gain confidence in their abilities and feel more comfortable communicating with others. 

It also promotes a sense of accomplishment and achievement, which can boost self-esteem and motivation.


With the growing importance of globalization and diversity, learning French has become increasingly relevant and necessary for students. Therefore, it is highly recommended that students consider learning French as a valuable investment in their future.

Prep Academy Tutors provides quality French tutoring for students. We offer personalized in-home and online tutoring services for elementary school, high school, and university prep in math, science, English, French, and every subject in between. 

We aim to make sure your child has the tools and confidence to score straight A’s—while enjoying the process! Find your local tutor!