Nima N.

EN. Nima is a distinguished engineer with a deep passion for teaching and research. He holds a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Concordia University, Montreal, and a Master’s degree in Automotive Engineering from Azad University. Throughout his career, Nima has been committed to advancing engineering education and conducting impactful research. Presently, Nima serves as an engineering instructor at John Abbott College in Montreal, where he teaches courses including Industrial Energy Audit, Advanced Engineering Technologies, Automation & Control, Physics, and Materials Science. His teaching methodology emphasizes the integration of theoretical concepts with practical applications, creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment for his students Nima has extensive research experience, notably developing an electro-thermal anti-icing system for aircraft at Green SEAM. This innovation achieved an 80% reduction in energy consumption while enhancing in-flight safety. The project was admired by Airbus Canada, showcasing his ability to leverage advanced technologies to address critical engineering challenges. Nima’s professional journey includes roles focused on the practical application of engineering principles. At Bombardier, he worked on control systems and led R&D initiatives for Train Control and Management Systems (TCMS). His responsibilities encompassed designing electro-mechanical systems, working with automation and control technologies, and understanding electrical components within HVAC systems, with an emphasis on energy efficiency and system optimization. Nima’s dedication to advancing sustainable design and innovative engineering solutions is matched by his commitment to educating and mentoring the next generation of engineers. He is excited to continue contributing to the field through his teaching and research, inspiring students to achieve excellence in their academic and professional pursuits.

FR. Nima est un ingénieur distingué avec une profonde passion pour l’enseignement et la recherche. Il détient une maîtrise en génie mécanique de l’Université Concordia, à Montréal, et une maîtrise en génie automobile de l’Université Azad. Tout au long de sa carrière, Nima s’est engagé à faire progresser l’éducation en ingénierie et à mener des recherches impactantes. Actuellement, Nima est instructeur en ingénierie au Collège John Abbott à Montréal, où il enseigne des cours tels que l’Audit Énergétique Industriel, les Technologies Avancées en Ingénierie, l’Automatisation et le Contrôle, la Physique et la Science des Matériaux. Sa méthodologie d’enseignement met l’accent sur l’intégration des concepts théoriques avec des applications pratiques, créant un environnement d’apprentissage dynamique et engageant pour ses étudiants.

Nima possède une vaste expérience en recherche, ayant notamment développé un système électro-thermique de prévention du givrage pour les avions chez Green SEAM. Cette innovation a permis de réduire la consommation d’énergie de 80 % tout en améliorant la sécurité en vol. Le projet a été admiré par Airbus Canada, mettant en évidence sa capacité à utiliser des technologies avancées pour répondre à des défis d’ingénierie critiques.

Le parcours professionnel de Nima inclut des rôles axés sur l’application pratique des principes d’ingénierie. Chez Bombardier, il a travaillé sur des systèmes de contrôle et dirigé des initiatives de R&D pour les systèmes de contrôle et de gestion des trains (TCMS). Ses responsabilités comprenaient la conception de systèmes électromécaniques, le travail avec des technologies d’automatisation et de contrôle, et la compréhension des composants électriques dans les systèmes CVC, en mettant l’accent sur l’efficacité énergétique et l’optimisation des systèmes.

La dévotion de Nima à faire progresser la conception durable et les solutions d’ingénierie innovantes est égalée par son engagement à éduquer et à encadrer la prochaine génération d’ingénieurs. Il est enthousiaste à l’idée de continuer à contribuer au domaine grâce à son enseignement et à ses recherches, inspirant ses étudiants à atteindre l’excellence dans leurs poursuites académiques et professionnelles.

Samantha Caruso

Samantha is excited to be joining the Maison d’Étude Academy team as the new Operations Manager. With over 5 years of experience in operations and a proven track record of streamlining processes and improving efficiency, Samantha brings wealth of knowledge and expertise to our team.

Her dedication to excellence and passion for operational success makes her a valuable addition to our company.

Samantha enjoys cooking & baking on her free time!


Samantha est ravie de se joindre à l’équipe de Maison d’Étude Académie comme la nouvelle gestionnaire des opérations. Ses cinq années d’expérience avérée dans la planification et la mise en œuvre de processus afin d’améliorer la productivité et les performances serviront à apporter une richesse et de l’expertise à notre équipe.

Son dévouement et sa passion pour le succès font d’elle une valeur rajoutée à notre compagnie.

Samantha aime cuisiner et faire des pâtisseries pendant son temps libre!

Alex Kerkhoff

Alex has a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Concordia University, as well as a TEFL certificate from the University of Toronto. He has been teaching / tutoring students in English for 3 years from elementary level to CEGEP. He specializes in academic essay writing.

Lauren V.

EN: Meet Lauren, a registered psychotherapist (qualifying) based in Ontario, offering virtual coaching support to young individuals seeking social and emotional guidance. With Lauren, you’ll find a welcoming and understanding space where you can openly talk about whatever’s on your mind.

She combines her knowledge of therapeutic techniques with a practical goal-oriented coaching approach, using strategies from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). In her 50-minute sessions (with an extra 10 minutes for notes), Lauren helps clients learn coping skills, emotional regulation techniques, and interpersonal skills. By working together to shift thought patterns and behaviors, Lauren helps you navigate challenges effectively and achieve personal growth.


FR: Rencontrez Lauren, une psychothérapeute enregistrée (en qualification) basée en Ontario, offrant un soutien de coaching virtuel aux jeunes individus en quête d’orientation sociale et émotionnelle. Avec Lauren, vous trouverez un espace accueillant et compréhensif où vous pouvez parler ouvertement de tout ce qui vous préoccupe.
Elle combine sa connaissance des techniques thérapeutiques avec une approche pratique axée sur les objectifs du coaching, en utilisant des stratégies de la Thérapie Cognitive et Comportementale (TCC) et de la Thérapie d’Acceptation et d’Engagement (ACT). Dans ses séances de 50 minutes (avec 10 minutes supplémentaires pour les notes), Lauren aide les clients à apprendre des compétences d’adaptation, des techniques de régulation émotionnelle et des compétences interpersonnelles. En travaillant ensemble pour modifier les schémas de pensée et les comportements, Lauren vous aide à naviguer efficacement dans les défis et à réaliser une croissance personnelle.

Ella M.

Ella is a third year honours biochemistry student at McGill University planning to pursue medical school after graduation. She is also a student researcher working in the Huang Lab at McGill studying ovarian cancer. She is passionate about teaching fundamental studying skills and solidifying students’ knowledge in the scientific field. She has past experience tutoring high school science for a non-profit organization. Ella is available for online or in person tutoring sessions and looks forward to collaborating with her students!

Hazel T.

Hazel has 7 years experience working with children and teens and has been an art teacher for 3 years.

She graduated with distinction from Concordia with a BFA (Computation Arts Specialization) in 2021.

FR: Hazel a 7 ans d’expérience avec les enfants et les adolescents et est professeur d’art depuis 3 ans.

Elle a obtenu un baccalauréat en beaux-arts (spécialisation en arts informatiques) avec distinction à Concordia en 2021.

Aude L.

Aude is currently in her first undergraduate year in the honours physics program at McGill University. She graduated from Champlain Ste-Lawrence CEGEP on the Dean’s list in 2023 with a degree in pure and applied sciences. She was awarded the Governor General’s medal for her high school journey. She has tutored students from kindergarten all the way to CEGEP for over two years in English as well as in French. She is passionate about science, especially regarding space and the early mysteries of our universe. You can often find Aude looking up at the sky, eager to identify constellations and planets in the sky. She also loves art, music and any winter sport.

FR: Aude est dans sa première année d’études dans le programme « Honours Physics » de l’université Mcgill. Elle a gradué du programme des sciences pures et appliquées du CEGEP Champlain Ste-Lawrence sur la liste d’honneurs en 2023. Elle a également reçu la médaille du gouverneur général pour son parcours académique au secondaire. Elle a travaillé comme tuteur depuis plus de deux ans auprès d’élèves d’âge primaire jusqu’au CEGEP en anglais ainsi qu’en français. Elle est passionnée de sciences surtout de sujets traitant de l’espace et des grands mystères des débuts de l’univers. Vous pouvez la trouver la tête axée vers le ciel, identifiant les astres qui nous entourent. Elle est une grande amateure d’art et de musique et pratique plusieurs sports d’hiver.

Michaela B.

Michaela is a third year Biology student at McGill University. She has a passion for science, learning and all things nature! When not studying she can be found skiing, biking and painting! Her main goal when tutoring is to share her love and understanding of biology and science with her students and help them reach their goals!

Holly S.

Holly S. is an art teacher and active artist. She is currently studying Studio Art and Art History with a minor in art education at Concordia University (2021-2024) and Painting at Arizona State University (2019-2020), with plans to graduate in 2026.

Holly has had a passion for art since she could draw, her passion was fueled by amazing art tutors as well as art teachers in a specialized visual arts program (2012-2019). Originally from Annapolis, MD in the United States, Holly became a teacher’s assistant at Art Farm (a community arts center). While working with kids during after school classes and summer camps, Holly also volunteered within her community doing face painting at various events and festivals.

Since moving to Montreal in 2021, Holly taught a watercolor workshop for new moms and their children at Studio 414. She also led a sumi-e japanese ink painting lesson for a group of peers in an Early Childhood Art Education class.

Art history has always informed Holly’s art practice and lesson planning. Informed by past and present art, Holly is excited to encourage young artists to pursue their creativity. She is able to teach art to any age and has experience with children in primary and secondary school as well as adults. Holly is capable of teaching many kinds of art including painting, drawing, collage, embroidery, photography, printmaking, and more!

Sebastian H

Sebastian holds a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University of Munich and is set to earn a Master’s in Aerospace Engineering from McGill in mid-2024. His research focuses on space exploration and propulsion and he has published papers in different academic journals. As an engineer, he passionately tutors Math and Sciences and has over five years of experience doing so. During college, he worked at a refugee center in Germany, covering Math, Science, German, and English for children from diverse backgrounds. In his free time, Sebastian enjoys snowboarding, climbing, and is avidly training for reaching a Boston Marathon qualifying time.