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Tips For Acing That Next Test

Mid-terms can be a stressful time. With a time restraint in place and so much at stake, exams
can cause anxiety for many students.
It’s natural to feel some stress before an exam but one way to combat that is to be prepared.
Below are tips to help you make the grade on your next exam.

Before the Test

Be Informed
Before you even begin studying ensure you are clear on what material will be on the test and
the test format. You will study differently for an in-class essay as opposed to a multiple choice

Prepare Your Time
Don’t attempt to cram all your studying into one long session right before the exam. Space out your work
into shorter periods of time a week or two prior to your exams. Consistency is key.

Study In A Place With No Distractions
Find a space that is away from the television, family members, and any other distractions. Put your
electronics aside and ensure you have all the materials you need on hand.

Hire a Tutor
A good tutor can help your child organize studying time, help identify strengths and weaknesses, and
target their barriers to learning. As well, the personalized feedback can make the studying process
significantly more efficient and help your child attain a firmer grasp on the material.

Get Enough Sleep
Getting enough sleep is crucial to midterm studying. When you’re sleep deprived it makes it difficult to
focus properly and receive information, and memory recall is better when you’re well rested.

The Day Of The Exam

Do a Quick Review
Keep the material fresh in your mind by taking 20 minutes to quickly review what you’ve studied

Arrive Early
Set the tone for your test by arriving early and ensuring you’re properly prepared and have all the
materials you need. You can also use this time to ask your teacher any last-minute questions you may

Listen To Instructions
As the teacher is handing out the exam, listen carefully to the instructions so you know what is expected
of you. Don’t be afraid to ask to have the instructions repeated if you don’t fully understand or miss
something that was said.

Take a Deep Breath
If you find you’ve drawn a blank, don’t panic. Take five to ten deep breaths and release the tension in your
body to calm yourself. The more anxious you are, the more difficult it will be to recall the information.
Last but not least, remind yourself that you’ve studied and are prepared for the test you are about to take.
