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Back-to-School Routine Tips After the Break

You conquered back-to-school after the summer break but do you need to set a back-to-school
routine after the winter break? It was only two weeks, right? How bad can it be?
The truth is you definitely need to help your kids get back into a back-to-school-routine. Throughout the
holidays your kids probably had less structure, more visiting with friends and families, more
excitement, and eating and sleeping schedules that deviated from what they are used to. The
holiday break may only be two weeks but it really is like the first day of school all over again.
Here are some easy ways to get them back into a more structured routine:

Sleep Schedule

A few days before going back to school, have your kids go to bed a bit earlier and wake up a bit
earlier. You don’t need to have them wake at the same time as when they go to school but this
transition will help make that first day easier.

Create Intentional Goals Together

It’s the perfect time to start the year strong by creating intentional goals as a family. Give each
person three pieces of paper and title them:

  • Things to Learn
  • Things to Try
  • Things to Improve

Write down everything you can think of and then discuss which goals are attainable for 2022. Once
you’ve narrowed the list to goals that are realistic (sorry, eating every cookie in the world will have to be
crossed off) have them write that list on a fresh piece of paper. Now each time they reach one of their
goals, they can cross it off. This exercise is great for helping to create a growth mindset and have kids
focus on personal goals.

Review Your Homework Rules

After a few weeks with no homework, set the standard by going over your expectations for when and
where homework should be done.

Get Organized

Check your children’s school supplies to ensure they have everything they need, organize messy binders,
and clean out backpacks and lunch bags to start off fresh.

Reinforce The Positives

After two weeks of days spent relaxing in flannel pj’s to going out into cold weather first thing in the
morning, your kids might not be enthusiastic about going back to school. Reinforce the positives like
seeing their friends, sharing stories, getting to tackle their favourite subjects, and how good it feels to be
back into a routine.

Pack Your Patience

It can be more difficult for some kids to return to a back-to-school routine so be patient with them and yourself those
first few weeks.
